By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind “Christ the Healer”
Copyright © 2021

Fred Francis Bosworth
(1877 - 1958)
Osborn, recalling his father's many years of ministry, reflected on the evangelist's contributions to the church.
"I knew another patriarch of faith had been promoted to his eternal reward and was 'sitting down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 8:11),'" he wrote. "What a triumphant entry this man must have received. He, being a man 'of faith is blessed with faithful Abraham (Gal. 3:9)."
Osborn's tribute to Bosworth appeared as a brief article in the March 1958 issue (page 25) of the Full Gospel Men's Voice magazine. It was titled, "F.F. Bosworth Promoted To Eternal Reward: A Pioneer Of The Deliverance Ministry Has Gone Ahead!"
Osborn's full tribute can be viewed here or by following this link:
In addition to borrowing the words of John Wesley, Osborn used Scripture to talk about Bosworth's passing. Bosworth died on January 23, 1958. According to an obituary, he died of a heart attack in his home with his family in Miami, Fla. He was 81. He had spent his final years serving as a mentor to healing revivalists of the Voice of Healing and working as a missionary evangelist. He seemed closest to William Branham and Osborn.
Osborn mentioned Branham in his tribute. He said that two weeks prior to Bosworth's death, he and Branham were having a meal when Branham spoke of a recent visit with Bosworth. According to Branham, Bosworth was excited about the possibility of the Lord coming at any moment to take him to Heaven.
"Such is the manner in which a man of faith faces his eternal reward," wrote Osborn. "During his last days, he would often tell the family to go on to bed; that 'this may be the night.'"
Osborn viewed Bosworth's passing as being "triumphant," a term he used in three places. For example: "His last words were as triumphant as his life was: 'Everything is clear! Perfect trust! Nothing but the blood!'"
Following that utterance, Bosworth began hugging and shaking hands with acquaintances "on the other side of Jordan," Osborn wrote. At times, Osborn recounted, Bosworth would stretch “out his feeble arms” and say, “Oh, it’s you!” Then, “Beautiful.”
Readers of Bosworth's book, Christ the Healer, will recall that his son, Bob, also used the term, "triumph," in the Epilogue to the book. In fact, the section was titled, "The Ultimate Triumph." Like Osborn, he also recounted his father's passing with descriptions and anecdotes of him reportedly seeing people who had crossed over to the other side.
Bob said his father's wish was that he would die without pain or sickness. "About three weeks after he took to his bed," Bob wrote, he greeted people on the other side for several hours and then he stopped breathing.
Neither Bob nor Osborn commented on Bosworth’s cause of death. However, there must have been some type of illness or weakness that caused him to be in bed for three weeks before his death. According to Bob, the family was surprised to see him “retire to his bed” when he returned home after a mission trip in January 1958. When they inquired about his wellbeing, he simply told them that “God had shown him that he had ‘finished his course.’”
Grateful acknowledgments are made to Dr. Daniel Isgrigg, assistant professor, and director of the Holy Spirit Research Center at Oral Roberts University, for his assistance in bringing this article to my attention.
Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer," can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code (all caps): BOSWORTH25.
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