Robert V. ("Bob") Bosworth
Robert V. ("Bob") Bosworth, son of F.F. Bosworth, believed so strongly in his father's book, Christ the Healer, that he promoted the book for several decades after his father's death. F.F. died in 1958. His book, a compilation of his sermons, was first published in 1924. After his passing, Bob played a significant role in editing the book and keeping its legacy alive. Among other things, he sought to make it more appealing to a contemporary audience.
In presenting this limited revision, I have sought to enhance truth without changing it. Long sentences have been broken down and the concepts have been checked for clarity. I have been very careful to maintain the integrity of truth as stated in the old text.
In addition to editing the book and working with publishers to promote it, Bob made an audio recording of the book that featured his singing and his reading of the entire volume -- chapter by chapter. The recording, which consists of 10 compact disks/CDs, is available at the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center (iFPHC.org). It may also be purchased through Pilgrims Publications SA (http://pilgrimpublications.net). Pilgrims Publications presents the product as an “unabridged” audio book consisting of 10 CDs. The recording has also been uploaded to YouTube. For a review, visit the YouTube page here.
Hear Bob Bosworth sing "He Touched Me" on YouTube here.
It appears that Bob originally produced the recording through his ministry, World Outreach Publications, in Dallas, Texas. The recordings were sold in a vinyl case, according to a description given by FPHC. The work included singing by Bob. His rendition of “He Touched Me” can be heard in the YouTube clip located here. The vinyl case in which the recordings are presented included a message about the value of Christ the Healer:
For years, F.F. Bosworth's classic on divine healing has brought relief to thousands of sufferers. However, there has been a need to help the blind and those too desperately ill to react, to hear what God's Word says about sickness and bodily healing. Faith comes by hearing God's Word. Bob Bosworth, the son of the late F.F. Bosworth, presents this great classic in audible form. May it bless and heal all who hear.
Bob died in 2009 at the age of 77. In a 2004 email to the author, he said he had suffered a “massive stroke”and was paralyzed on his left side. He also noted: “I believe every word my father wrote in Christ the Healer, I believe every promise in the Word, so I am trusting the Lord for my recovery.”

Bob Bosworth was son of F.F. Bosworth.
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