By Roscoe Barnes III, Ph.D.
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind 'Christ the Healer'
Copyright (c) 2019
In her highly regarded book, Restoring the Faith (University of Illinois Press, 1993), Dr. Edith L. Blumhofer wrote about the early years of F.F. Bosworth's ministry. In a section that included a brief list of his experiences, she suggested, among other things, that he was tarred and feathered. But was she correct? Here's what she wrote:
Blumhofer's statement is questionable, given what we know about Bosworth's persecution. Did she mean tarred and feathered in a figurative sense? If so, there isn't a problem. But if she used the expression in a literal sense, then her statement invites a few questions. For instance, when and where did the incident take place? What's the source for this information?
Bosworth has described his mob encounter in Hearne, Texas, where he was brutally beaten because of his preaching to a black audience. He wrote a letter about the incident in which he gave many details. But no where in the letter did he mention tar and feathers.
Unfortunately, Blumhofer did not provide a citation for her statement. Perhaps she was thinking of Bosworth's friend, Cyrus B. Fockler, who came close to being tarred and feathered in July 1900 in Mansfield, Ohio, when he was rescued by police from an angry mob. According to some reports, he had been tarred when police arrived. Is it possible that Blumhofer simply confused the two men? It is possible, but also doubtful. It was more likely an oversight.
Note: My book, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer," can be purchased here with a 25% discount. Use the discount code: bosworth25.
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