By Roscoe Barnes III
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind Christ the Healer
Copyright (c) 2018

Stella Bosworth, widow of Bob Bosworth.
Bob was the son of F.F. Bosworth.
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In his book, How to Have a Healing Ministry Without Making Your Church Sick! (Regal Books, 1988) C. Peter Wagner shared a remarkable testimony by Stella Bosworth, widow of Bob Bosworth, the son of F.F. Bosworth.
According to Wagner, Stella's mother, Ethel Raath of South Africa, is a good example of how the Holy Spirit can enable a person to speak fluently in a language that he or she has never learned. The divine empowerment experienced by Raath reportedly allowed her to speak extremely well in her new language, which was Zulu. She immediately began reading and writing in the language, and she later became an interpreter, according to Stella. "God gave her a perfect Zulu accent so that they call her 'the white Zulu,'" Stella said. Wagner described the miraculous experience as follows:
I am in correspondence with Stella Bosworth, who has been a missionary to Africa for over 30 years. Her mother, Ethel Raath, a South African, knew a few words of pigeon Zulu, but that was all. In 1935 she and her husband were assigned to do government work in Transkei, a Zulu area, and when they arrived some Zulu Christians asked them to begin services for them. Mrs. Raath felt that God was calling her to minister and pray in Zulu, so she decided to ask Him for the language. She gathered the Zulu Christians, knelt down, placed the Zulu Bible on her head, and they prayed for her to speak Zulu. From the time she got up from her knees she could speak, read and write Zulu fluently. She became her husband's chief interpreter.
Stella and her husband, Bob, served more than 55 years as missionaries in Africa and other parts of the world, including the United States. They ministered to thousands of people -- and helped raised untold numbers of church leaders -- through their ministry, World Outreach Inc. They also operated a Bible school. Bob died on June 5, 2009, according to New Life Christian Church. He was 77. Bob, it appears, was an apostle of prayer. In a brief online article, New Life Christian Church reported: “In 1980, God put a mandate on Bob’s heart to carry the message of early morning prayer to the nations of the world.” Bob also published a 32-page book about prayer titled, Attitudes and Relationships: A Key to Successful Prayer and Christian Living (World Outreach). Note: A copy is available at Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center.
Stella, a gifted and extraordinary woman, continued to minister in his absence. In a 2013 message on YouTube, Stella said she never cried over her husband's death because she was happy about him being with Christ. "I haven’t grieved for one second since Bob passed away," she said. "I haven’t shed one tear. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I’m excited that he’s … with the Lord in Glory and for the work to be growing and prospering even more than when he was here."
Stella said life is good and it's good for her. "I'm very excited," she added.
Stella on YouTube
A video of Stella giving updates on her ministry can be seen here. She was 80 at the time of the recording. In addition to speaking about Bob and their work over the years, she talks about her mother. She explains how the Lord gifted her mother with the amazing ability to speak Zulu.
Stella on Amazon
Stella has also used to discuss her work in Africa. Her comments appear on her profile page which offers her reviews of books and other products. The page can be seen here.
Bosworth, Bob. Attitudes and Relationships: A Key to Successful Prayer and Christian Living. Dallas, TX: World Outreach. (See
Bosworth, Stella. Amazon Profile. Accessed October 23, 2018.
------. “World Outreach Update by Stella Bosworth.” Youtube channel. Accessed October 22, 2018.
George24. “Being open to God's surprises.” Bread for the Journey: A Search for Truth and Meaning in Life (blog). Accessed 10/22/2018.
New Life Christian Church. “World Outreach Inc. [Stella Bosworth]: Africa & Asia." Accessed October 23, 2018.
Wagner, C. Peter. How to Have a Healing Ministry Without Making Your Church Sick! Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1988.
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