By Roscoe Barnes III, PhD
Author, F.F. Bosworth: The Man Behind "Christ the Healer"
Copyright (c) 2020
Joybringer Bosworth: His Life Story
By Eunice M. Perkins
Note: In my doctoral work on F.F. Bosworth, I examined the paths he took to become a famous healing evangelist. Specifically, I sought to determine how he developed from a small-town farm boy into a prominent leader in the Pentecostal and divine healing movements. The research revealed that his ministry was forged by a number of critical events, which I label “Turning Points.” Some of those turning points are presented below. Most of this material first appeared in my doctoral thesis, F. F. Bosworth: A Historical Analysis of the Influential Factors in His Life and Ministry. It can be viewed here:
Major Turning Points in the Life of F.F. Bosworth
In his book, Interpretive Biography (SAGE Publications, 1989), Norman K. Denzin writes that “lives have objective and subjective markers and …these markers reflect key, critical points about the life in question.” He suggests that these markers are “turning-point moments” which leave “permanent marks” on a person’s life. Such was the case with F.F Bosworth. His life history includes a number of significant moments that may be described as turning points. These moments left indelible impressions on his life and ministry and undoubtedly helped to shape his development as a healing evangelist. While some of his experiences were indeed important, such as his discovery of music, his first sale, his spiritual conversion, his persecution, and his marriages, other experiences appeared to be more significant. The more significant experiences, which are noted below, are described in this study as major turning points.
Bosworth’s healing of TB was a major experience for several reasons. It was because of his illness that he left Nebraska and Illinois, and traveled to Fitzgerald, where he met his first wife. While in Fitzgerald, he received a word of prophecy about his future ministry from a woman evangelist. This woman also prayed for him and he was healed. While in Fitzgerald, he grew as a musician and toured with a local band. He purchased a barber shop and also served as a city clerk. It was also in Fitzgerald that he read about John Alexander Dowie and decided to move to Zion City.
The timing seemed right for Charles Parham to come and introduce his message of Pentecost. His work in Zion resulted in many receiving what they called the baptism in the Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. Bosworth was one who received this experience. He has stated it was at this point that he received a call to preach. Although prepared to become a professional musician or possibly a successful businessman, this Pentecostal experience brought about a profound change in his life. It was a change that fired him with a different outlook on life and a spiritual mission that became the central focus of his life to the end.
The revival in Dallas, Texas was an important moment that was due in a large part to the ministry of Evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter, who held five months of meetings in 1912. The time of the meetings became a significant moment in Pentecostal history. In fact, it was compared to the revival meetings on Azusa Street in California.
One of Bosworth’s first recorded moments of revelation occurred in Lima, Ohio, where he was asked to preach on divine healing. He apparently had been uncertain about the will of God to heal all believers of all sicknesses and diseases. However, after prayer and study of the Scriptures, he became convinced that it was God’s will to heal all. He came to believe that healing is a part of salvation and that it can be received in the same way that salvation for the soul is received. He became an apologist on the subject and insisted that divine healing was in the atoning work of Christ.
Another time where Bosworth had a moment of revelation was in South Africa. This marked a major turning point in his life because of his change in healing methodology and the vision he developed for foreign missions. While in South Africa, he worked with Evangelists William Branham and Ern Baxter. Given the nature of their meetings, which consisted of many thousands of people in open fields, Bosworth could not minister individually to the sick as he had done in the United States. He decided to pray for the people en masse. In other words, he led the audience in a single prayer while encouraging them to trust God for healing. Using this method, many reported being healed at the same time.
These critical turning points in the life of Bosworth are reminders that growth or success in ministry is not necessarily based on an easy path or a life that is free of difficulties. Success often comes with a price. Sometimes it begins with a crisis and it may lead to an understanding or insight that would not have occurred without the crisis experience. Bosworth’s life also illustrates the view that epiphanies can be transformative and have a lasting impact on a person’s life. Although Bosworth’s teachings on divine healing may be questioned and even debated, one thing remains clear: His ministry has played a critical role in Pentecostal church history. Through his book, Christ the Healer, he continues to have a significant impact on today’s revivalists, church leaders, and people seeking divine healing.
F.F. Bosworth and the Role of Women in His life and Ministry. See here.
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