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The Scranton Republican (Scranton, Pa.)
July 29, 1925, page 2
Introducing the 'Notable Data Argument' (NDA) Concept
#NotableDataArgument #NDA
Lott, who was pastor of the Methodist M.E. Church, had asked Bosworth to prove the validity of the healings with a statement from a physician. Bosworth replied by saying it was "unscriptural and against the Lord’s own example for him to accept a challenge for the purpose of convincing by miracles those who are rejecting Christ’s promises and the testimony of His worshippers." Additionally, Bosworth said that Lott should "pick out some who say their healing is complete and produce a doctor’s certificate that they are not healed."
Bosworth, who obviously believed that his work was legit -- and would stand up to scrutiny, placed the theological ball in Lott's court. (See full newspaper story below.)
As in other debates, Bosworth supported his position with Scripture and with notable cases of healing. He also dipped into church history for support. As noted above, when he pointed to the people who had testified to being healed, he was using what I termed the "Notable Data Argument."
'Notable' cases of healing
An example of Bosworth’s “notable” and “undeniable” cases of healing can be seen in the July 3, 1925 issue of The Scranton Republican. The paper ran a story about a number of people who were previously deaf, but had been healed through prayer. After their healing, they reportedly urged Bosworth to invite others who were deaf or hearing impaired to the revival meetings. Under the headline, “Deaf Mutes Invited To Bosworth Revival,” the paper reported:
Remarkable cures of deaf-mutes, attested by undeniable documentary proof, in other cities of the country, have taken place at the Bosworth "healing meetings." Men and women who have not heard a word since childhood have had their hearing perfectly restored instantly by the power of faith.
The committee in charge of the campaign also called on the physicians of the city to attend the meetings. Mr. Bosworth is more than willing that any doctor examine those who testify to cures. Recently during a campaign in Detroit, Mich., the Director of Public Health expressed doubt regarding the cures as announced from the platform. Before the campaign ended he was perfectly convinced that the "healing" was complete and permanent.
During their recent campaign in Ottawa, Canada, several well known physicians of that city sat on the platform night after night. Dr. C.T. Bowles, well known in the Canadian city, was anointed by the evangelist and cured of a disease of the eyes which had long troubled him.
One can only imagine the faith and boldness that Bosworth must have had when he invited the physicians to his meetings. After all, that is not something a charlatan would do. Bosworth's invitation, in my opinion, showed integrity. It also underscored his efforts to be truthful.
By the close of Bosworth's meetings in Scranton, scores of people reported being healed by the power of God. On August 1, 1925, The Scranton Republican featured a story about the claims of healing. The story appeared under the headline:
'Healed' People Tell
Stories at Armory
Almost Every Disease in Medical Dictionaries
Reported Cured -- Immersion in Great Tank Tonight
A newspaper clip of the story is featured below.
Bosworth Declines
Challenge for Money
Defi Unscriptural, but Is Willing to Have Dr. Lott
Pick Out Any Healed and Have Pastor Prove
By Physicians That They Are Not
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